Are you living the joyful life you were meant to live, the one your soul signed you up for before coming into this lifetime? If you’re really not sure, or worse, sure that you’re not, it’s likely you’re still being crippled by the very same fears and unconscious guilt that derailed all your dreams in the last lifetime.
But not to worry. Bestselling author and karmic astrologer, Marguerite Manning created Therapy For The Soul™, a personal enlightenment and astrological counseling service, for just that reason: to help you experience the real joy you were promised today by teaching you how to identify and move beyond the most painful human set-backs of yesterday.
With her breakthrough astrological formulas for finding the soul’s past in the birth chart, and a passion for helping others apply them, Marguerite’s bestselling books, life-changing consultations and popular podcasts have helped thousands worldwide step into their future by simply unlocking their past. So be one of them. Start uncovering your soul’s story now and stop wondering why life won’t sparkle, love won’t sizzle and you don’t dazzle.
Your Destiny Is Waiting…